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Education Regulation and Sectors
- Where Do Students Go when For-Profit Colleges Lose Federal Aid? (with Stephanie Cellini & Lesley Turner). American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 12(2), 2020.
- High Costs, Low Resources, and Missing Information: Explaining Student Borrowing in the For-Profit Sector (with Stephanie Cellini). Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 671(1), 2017.
- Brookings policy report and blog post
- Do Employers Prefer Workers Who Attended For-Profit Colleges? Evidence from a Field Experiment (with Cory Koedel, Paco Martorell, Francisco Perez-Arce, & Katie Wilson). Journal of Policy Analysis & Management, 34(4), 2015.
- Messengers of Bad News or Bad Apples? Student Debt and College Accountability. Education Finance & Policy, 10(2), 2015.
- Integrity versus Access? The Effect of Federal Financial Aid Availability on Postsecondary Enrollment. Journal of Public Economics, 106, 2013.
Education Finance
- Strategic Default among Private Student Loan Debtors: Evidence from Bankruptcy Reform (with Dubravka Ritter). Education Finance & Policy, 15(3), 2020.
- Brookings blog post
- Press: Slate; Deseret News
- Information Use and Attention Deferment in College Student Loan Decisions: Evidence from a Debt Letter Experiment (with Casandra Harper). Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis, 40(1), 2018.
- Assessing the College Financial Aid Work Penalty. Journal of Higher Education, 88(3), 2017.
- Educational ‘When,’ ‘Where,’ and ‘How’ Implications of In-State-Resident Tuition Policies for Undocumented Immigrants (with Stephanie Potochnick). Review of Higher Education, 38(4), 2015.
- Working (and Studying) Day and Night: Heterogeneous Effects of Working on the Academic Performance of Full-time and Part-time Students. Economics of Education Review, 38, 2014.
- Strategies to Test for Discrimination in Student Loan Markets. Journal of Education Finance, 40(2), 2014.
Transitions from High School to College
- High School Course Access and Postsecondary STEM Enrollment and Attainment (with Cory Koedel, Joyce Main, Felix Ndashimye, & Junpeng Yan). Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis, 42(1), 2020.
- High Schools and Students’ Initial Colleges and Majors (with Cory Koedel). Contemporary Economic Policy, 36(4), 2018.
Consumer Finance
- Borrowers from a Different Shore: Asian Outcomes in US Mortgage Markets (with Marsha Courchane & Adam Gailey). Journal of Housing Economics, 28, 2015.
- Press: AREAA
- The Downs and Ups of FHA Lending: The Government Mortgage Roller Coaster Ride (with Marsha Courchane & Peter Zorn). Journal of Housing Economics, 24, 2014
- Broker Compensation Patterns and Trends: 2005-2009 (with Marsha Courchane & Peter Zorn). Atlantic Economic Journal, 40, 2012.
- Industry Changes in the Market for Mortgage Loans (with Marsha Courchane & Peter Zorn). Connecticut Law Review, 41(4), 2009.
- Exposure to Food Insecurity during Adolescence and Educational Attainment (with Colleen Heflin & Sharon Kukla-Acevedo). Social Problems, forthcoming.
- Adolescent Food Insecurity and Risky Behaviors and Mental Health During the Transition to Adulthood (with Colleen Heflin & Sharon Kukla-Acevedo). Children and Youth Services Review, 105, 2019.
- Improving Teacher Practices with Children under Five: Experimental Evidence from the Mississippi Building Blocks on Teacher Coaching (with Irma Arteaga, Jackie Hawks, & Kathy Thornburg). Evaluation Review, 43(1-2).
- Race and Gender Effects on Employer Interest in Job Applicants: New Evidence from a Resume Field Experiment (with Cory Koedel, Paco Martorell, Francisco Perez-Arce, & Katie Wilson). Applied Economics Letters, 23(12), 2016.
- Press: Chicago Tribune
- The Economics of Parenting, Self-Esteem, and Academic Performance: Theory and a Test (with Bruce Wydick). Economica, 78(310), 2011.